You Wanna Make a Game?

Developing games (formerly Tiggzi) can help you create cloud-based cross-platform apps for Windows 8 and Windows Phone. Try’s App Builder with promo code DevRadio13. Find free tools and resources at App Builder.
So You Wanna Make a Game?
Technical Evangelist G. Andrew Duthie walks you through the things you need to get started developing games for the Windows Store, from getting and installing Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012, to choosing frameworks and tools, to publishing your app.

Printing the Web

It’s 2013 and we live in a remarkably paperless world. But printing still has its place. Hans Christian explains how to implement print-friendly CSS including page breaks, widow and orphan control and more. He also discusses problems you’re likely to encounter and support for print CSS in a mobile context. (more: here)

3D-ifying Documents Using CSS Transforms


Crocdoc recently released a new document-to-HTML conversion service. It’s highly configurable, but of interest to us is their 3D layered document demo which “separates a document into discrete layers, which you can rotate so that you can see how the document is constructed.” Read on to see the code and understand how the HTML model is constructed. (more: here)